Repurposed Shipping Box Becomes Bespoke Bar for 71 Brewing Beer Garden

Craig Cun­ning­ham, sales oper­a­tions man­ag­er at 71 Brew­ing, said: “We got a piece of equip­ment deliv­ered which came in this huge wood­chip box which seemed too good to throw out so we used a local com­pa­ny, Draff that takes our spent grain and spent prod­ucts, press­es it and turns it into fur­ni­ture, so they took the box and made it into a bespoke bar for us.”

Turning Beer Products Into Chairs

Grains left over from beer brew­ing and gin dis­till­ing are being turned into tables and chairs for Dundee Sci­ence Centre.

Aymer­ic Renoud named his fur­ni­ture mak­ing busi­ness after “draff”, the wet grains left behind when beer is made.

Design Exhibition Scotland

For DES 2019, Renoud has col­lab­o­rat­ed with Ver­dant Spir­it Com­pa­ny, a Dundee dis­tillery found­ed in 2016 by Andrew Macken­zie. The city’s first dis­tillery to open in 200 years, Ver­dant is based in what was once Dundee’s jute quar­ter. Tak­ing his inspi­ra­tion from an old hand cart, once used to trans­port jute, Renoud has designed and built in draff a cart-cum-cab­i­net, a portable dis­play case for Ver­dant Spirit.

Scottish Design Icons

Scot­tish Design Icons is a series of small arti­cles show­cas­ing the big hit­ters of Scot­tish design. Jen­nie Pat­ter­son reflects on a piece of sus­tain­able design that’s as beau­ti­ful as it is innovative.

Sanctuary Comission

The Sanc­tu­ary Room and Court­yard is a whole-envi­ron­ment brief for East Loth­i­an Com­mu­ni­ty Hos­pi­tal in Hadding­ton, Scotland.